Cloud Computing
In this lecture, students are familiarized with essential aspects of cloud computing (especially from the enterprise computing perspective). Cloud computing is now a central component of corporate IT and also enables a variety of innovative digital business models and digital products. The essential idea of cloud computing is to market all kinds of IT resources as a service in a pay-per-use model. To ensure non-functional properties (such as availability and performance) of cloud services, cloud providers must operate a complex, often globally distributed, IT infrastructure. This results in significant challenges, especially for the architecture and the management of cloud native applications, which are systematically discussed in this lecture.
Cloud & Big Data Technologies
This lecture aims to familiarize students with the application of advanced system concepts in the context of enterprise computing. The considered application scenarios relate in particular to current cloud and big data technologies. The comprehensive digitalisation of all business sectors and the rapid technological progress are continuously causing far-reaching changes in corporate IT. The evaluation and deployment of new technologies often presents a major challenge due to their high complexity and short innovation cycles. However, many current technologies have in common that they are based on established system concepts, especially from the field of parallel and distributed computing. An in-depth knowledge of such elementary principles and causal relationships is an important means of making the high dynamics described above more manageable.