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Wolfgang Blochinger
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Blochinger

Wolfgang Blochinger is professor of Computer Science at Reutlingen University, Germany. He leads the parallel and distributed computing group and the cloud lab. His research interests include high-performance systems, parallel and distributed application design, as well as grid and cloud computing.


Wolfgang Blochinger received his Ph.D. in 2002 and his Habilitation in 2008, both from University of Tübingen. At the University of Stuttgart he was responsible for the coordination of large scientific projects. Prior to joining Reutlingen University, he worked with Robert Bosch GmbH as System Architect for big data services and architectures.


Building 9
Room 116

Phone +49 7121 271 4086

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Wolfgang Blochinger
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Blochinger

Building 9 , Room 116

Phone +49 7121 271 4086


PhD Student

Jens Haussmann
M.Sc. Jens Haussmann

Jens Haußmann is a PhD student in the Parallel and Distributed Computing Group at Reutlingen University. He completed his bachelor's degree in business informatics at Reutlingen University, Germany, in 2012. In addition, he obtained his master's degree in business informatics in 2015, also at Reutlingen University. His research interests include parallel computing and cloud computing. Currently, Jens is focusing his research on economic aspects of cloud computing.

Building 9
Room 221

Phone +49 7121 271 4096

Jens Haussmann
M.Sc. Jens Haussmann

Building 9 , Room 221

Phone +49 7121 271 4096


PhD Student

Stefan Kehrer
M.Sc. Stefan Kehrer

Stefan Kehrer is a PhD student in the Parallel and Distributed Computing Group at Reutlingen University, Germany and does research in the fields of Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, and Distributed Systems. He is a member of the Doctoral Program Services Computing at the Herman Hollerith Center in Böblingen and affiliated with the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) at the University of Stuttgart led by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Frank Leymann. As part of his PhD project, Stefan Kehrer investigates how parallel applications from the High Performance Computing (HPC) domain can benefit from cloud environments. In this context, he aims to develop novel concepts and methods for the design, development, and management of cloud-aware HPC applications and services.

Building 9
Room 221

Phone +49 7121 271 4081

Stefan Kehrer
M.Sc. Stefan Kehrer

Building 9 , Room 221

Phone +49 7121 271 4081
