Stefan Kehrer received the SummerSoC Young Researcher Award
Stefan Kehrer received the SummerSoC Young Researcher Award 2018 for his paper entitled "Migrating Parallel Applications to the Cloud". The paper was presented at the 12th Symposium and Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing in Crete, Greece.
The SummerSoC Young Researcher Award is bestowed annually upon the best contribution of a PhD student and sponsored by the Scientific Academy for Service Technology e.V. (ServTech).
The awarded work entitled "Migrating Parallel Applications to the Cloud" is an outcome of Stefan's ongoing PhD project and describes a new design-level approach to assess parallel applications from the High Performance Computing (HPC) domain with respect to their cloud readiness. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the HPC community to adopt the cloud as execution environment for HPC workloads such as scientific and engineering simulations or financial risk analysis, which are typically operated in dedicated HPC cluster environments. The presented work connects existing design knowledge from the High Performance Computing and the Cloud Computing domain, thus enabling better design decisions. A novel cloud readiness assessment procedure is described and applied in an extensive case study.
The contributions will be published in a special issue of the Springer Journal Computer Science - Research and Development.
Article at HHZ.de (German):Link