Jochen Scheffold awarded with Otto-Johannsen-Prize
Jochen Scheffold won the prestigious Otto-Johannsen-Prize for his outstanding master thesis, which was supervised by Stefan Kehrer and Wolfgang Blochinger from our research group.
Each year, one extraordinary master and bachelor thesis is awarded the Otto-Johannsen-Prize by a committee at Reutlingen University. The prize honors important scientific achievements, practical relevance of research results, as well as a high level of innovation.
The awarded thesis shows how to employ serverless computing platforms to operate parallel applications, which comprise most often complex coordination, communication, and synchronization patterns. Serverless computing is an emerging cloud computing paradigm that frees users from resource management issues. A novel approach to parallel cloud programming is presented thus that parallel applications can benefit from on-demand and elastic compute resources as well as per-function resource accounting. Extensive experimental evaluations are presented and discussed accordingly.