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New digital business models and the digital transformation of the traditional industry require a scalable IT infrastructure that dynamically adapts to business development. This makes cloud computing the most important IT paradigm for the operation of modern IT applications: IT resources can be procured to virtually any extent and charged according to usage. Recently, the cloud also evolved into an attractive execution environment for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, opening up completely new opportunities for a diverse range of industries.

As of today, many cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, offer HPC-aware cloud environments. These are cloud environments optimized for HPC,  at the same time providing on-demand access to compute resources, pay-per-use, and elasticity. Cloud-based parallel systems built on top of such environments can now even be found in the TOP500 list.

We develop novel concepts, methods, and architectures to make parallel applications and systems cloud-aware. Therefore, we address related research challenges on all levels of parallel and distributed systems. We use state-of-the-art technologies such as OpenStack, Ceph, Hadoop, Mesos, Docker and Kubernetes.

Our research interests and contributions include the following topics:

  • Elastic Parallel Systems and Applications
  • Cloud Migration of Parallel Applications
  • Design Trade-Offs in High Performance Cloud Computing
  • Software Engineering for Cloud Environments
  • Cloud-aware Parallel Architectures and Runtime Systems
  • Cost Models and Elasticity Control Mechanisms
  • Cloud Application Management
  • Centralized / Decentralized Coordination of Distributed Compute Resources
  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment Automation