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M.Sc. Jens Haußmann

Jens Haußmann  is a PhD student in the Parallel and Distributed Computing Group at Reutlingen University. He completed his bachelor's degree in business informatics at Reutlingen University, Germany, in 2012. In addition, he obtained his master's degree in business informatics in 2015, also at Reutlingen University. His research interests include parallel computing and cloud computing. Currently, Jens is focusing his research on economic aspects of cloud computing.

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  • J. Haussmann, W. Blochinger and W. Kuechlin. Cost-Efficient Parallel Processing of Irregularly Structured Problems in Cloud Computing EnvironmentsCluster Computing, 22(3):887-909, 2019.
    PDF | DOI ]
  • J. Haussmann, W. Blochinger and W. Kuechlin. Cost-optimized Parallel Computations using Volatile Cloud Resources. In Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems & Services (GECON), pages 45-53, Leeds, UK, 2019. 
    DOI ]